FOODRUSTIC en español

martes, 25 de diciembre de 2012


After such a fresh and healthy meal I thought I could use some "naughty sweet" so made this delicious pastry...still healthy though as I did not use any butter nor know me..keep it healthy! :-)

Después de una comida tan fresca y sana pensé que vendría bien un poco de "dulce malo" así que preparé esta deliciosa pastella...sigue siendo sana ya que no he usado ni mantequilla ni azúcar...ya me conocéis...mantenlo sano! :-)

For the pastry I could say I did it myself but this time, shame me..I have used the one from the health store, premade glutenfree pastry...
This time I did put some candles on to give the xmas feel...the pastry was delicious!

Para la masa podría decir que la hice yo pero mala yo debo decir que la compré en la herboristería, masa sin gluten...
Esta vez si puse unas velitas para tener el look navideñ pastella estaba deliciosa!

      - 250 g dates/ dátiles
                     -3 tbs lemon juice /jugo de limó
-3tbs water/ agua
                          - 3tbs organic honey/miel orgánica
                                                               -150 organic nuts and seeds of any kind/ nueces y semillas orgánicas las que quieras

Mix all toguether in a pan and heat a little bit up until it all gets a bit sticky, then lay the pastry down and add the flilling, then cover with anothe sheet of pastry. Cover with some egg yolk to give it a "brown look".
Preheat oven at 150 degrees, bake for about 20-25minutes and ready!

Mezcla todos los ingredientes en una cacerola y calienta a fuego suave hasta que esté todo como una mezcla pegajosa. Coloca una hoja de la masa y pon la mezcla dentro esparcida y coloca otra hoja encima para cubrirlo. Añade la yema de un huevo por encima para darle ese aspecto "asado".
Precalienta el horno a 150 grados y cocina durante unos 20-25 minutos y listo!


It has been a while..busy busy with travel plans and studing equine clinical cases so little time for my great pleasure of healthy cooking but now it´s I had to take a break from work to make a nice meal!
Talking again about the travel plans I will let you know that in January I am heading to the U.K, for some equine practice and work...I am so excited!!Not only will I be taking care of horses but I will be riding in the snow which I have never done in my life and I think it must the best experience ever! My cousin named Caroline who lives in Belgium is a great and professional rider and she knows how great it is!!
I will stay there for 6 weeks and then heading back home to do my externship at the referral equine Hospital here in the South of about getting some more equine experience!!I am very happy and excited!

Hace ya una temporadita..ocupada ocupada con planes de viaje y estudiando casos clínicos equinos así que poco tiempo para mi placer de cocina sana pero ahora es Navidad ..así que tenía que descansar del trabajo para crear una buena comida!
Comentando sobre mis planes de viaje os contaré que en Enero me voy a Inglaterra para tener más experiencia con équidos...estoy super emocionada!! No sólo estaré cuidando caballos pero también montaré en la nieve que es algo que nunca he hecho y piendo que tiene que ser la mejor de las experiencias!
Mi prima que se llama Caroline y que vive en Bélgica es una experta amazona profesional y ella sí que sabe lo estupendo que es!
Me quedaré allí unas 6 semanas y después estaré de vuelta aquí para comenzar mi estancia en el hospitade referencia equino aquí en el Sur de España...que´tal eso de hacer más experiencia con caballos!! Estoy muy feliz y emocionada!

At this moment we still have a wonderful sun here so it calls for not too much heavy or hot we are not many at home this year I decided to really stay light and healthy...geat paprika soup and some salads...shrimp with herbs...guacamole....and to round it all up and be at least a bit naughty...nice baking!

En estos momentos todavía tenemos un increíble sol así que no apetece comidad demasiado copiosa y caliente por lo que opté por una rica sopa de pimientos y ensaladitas..con langostinos y para redondearlo todo fuí un poco mala ...haciendo tarta!

I know it does not look like really xmas food and more like summer food but here we have still 20 degrees!!:-)
Lo sé que no tiene pinta de comida de Navidad y más de comida veraniega pero creedme que aquí hace aún 20 grados!!:-)

lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2012


It has been a while...sorry!Have been quite busy making professional plans and some good news came along as I have been accepted to join the equine refference hospital here in Southern Spain for next March to get more experience!!!So until then I will be doing more horse work than any other animals and of course doing my every day healthy cooking and living...

Hace un tiempo ya...lo siento! He estado bastante ocupada tomando decisiones profesionales y unas muy buenas noticias llegaron ya que fuí aceptada para una estancia en el Hospital equino de referencia aquí en el Sur de España para Marzo y ganar más esperiencia!! Así estaré haciendo más trabajo de équidos que de otros animales y como no seguiré cocinando y viviendo de forma sana...

Why I take pictures of the eye is just because I think it´s not just a beautiful organ, specially in horses but also and amazing one too...Horses do see in colours but not as bright as we do...and have an almost 360 degrees vision to be aware of predators in the wild...

Por qué tomo fotos de los ojos de los caballos es no sólo porque me parece un órgano precioso sino porque es un órgano incríble...Los caballos ven los colores pero no tan detallados como nosotros...y tienen una visión de casi 360 grados para estar atentos a los posibles predadores en la naturaleza...

It was  Sunday that I went to the stables, this time not for work but to go on a ride,it was a lovely sunny day  and were out for about three can imagine how hungry I was when I got home!

Era el Domingo donde me fuí a las cuadras, esta vez no por trabajo sino para disfrutar de un paseo , era un día soleado precioso donde estuvimos unas tres horas montando..te puedes imaginar el hambre que tenía al llegar a casa!

I felt like having loads of veggies...something healthy but I was really hungry and was not willing to do loads of long cooking so just grabbed the veggies I had, baked part of them and other veggies in the pan with some good extra virgin olive oil ...and this lovely lunch was the result....mmmmm!

Tenía muchas ganas de verduritas...algo sano y como tenía mucha hambre no me apetecía  estar cocinando por mucho tiempo así que cogí las verduras que tenía a mano y asé algunas y otras las puse en una sartén con buen aceite de oliva extra virgen y este fue el resultado....mmmmm!

                                             Fennel and red cabbage in a pan....
                                             Hinojo y col lombarda en la sartén...

Baked  curried pumpkin ...
Calabaza al curry asada...

                                      Brussel sprouts, nuts, soja sauce
                                      Coles de Bruselas, cacahuetes, salsa de soja...

Almost empty plate and full stomach...ufff
Casi plato vacío y estómago lleno...ufff

lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2012


There has always been an issue whether to take or not to take suplements when you are a healthy person...people believe that by eating a balanced diet they don´t need to take in any suplements, for starters, there is no such thing as a balanced diet aswe have no control whatsoever of the quantity of nutrients we take in thru our foods. Foods now a days are widely available but unfortunatly these foods are not as good as they were ages ago as the soil they grow in lack a lot of minerals and are packed with chemicals.
The other reason why I believe in taking suplements is the fact that it helps counteract the effects of the "antinutrients" we take in from pesticides, pollution, conservatives etc that affect negatively on our health.
The other thing to have into account and that I get asked a lot is, how much do I need to take?
Suplement toxicity as been described in rare ocasions but nevertheless but be taken into account, vitamins like A and D can accumulate in the body so must be taken in smal amounts. Also, some vitamins when taken in big amounts can reduce the number of other vitamins, this is the case of the vit.B 6, too much intake of this vitamin can cause decrease in vit.B2 in the body, too much copper in the body can cause zinc reduction.
To simplify things, I will let you know this,
-Vitamins A,D,E and K are liposoluble and can be accumulated in the body.
-Vitamins B and C, are hidrosoluble and therefore not accumulated in the body.
-Vit. complex B are best taken together to avoid inbalances between the diffrent vit.B´s and best after ingeting food.
-Vit.C when taken in big amount does not cause renal stones like they say, but it can cause diarrhea as it has a laxative effect.
-Vit.D is the most toxic of the vitamins as it can cause calcification of soft tissues as it aids in Calcium absortion.
-If taking anticoagulants (aspirin) for heart disease,it is best not to take vit.E in big amounts as it promotes this effect.

So, how do you take your suplements??
-It is recommended to take a multivitamin and mineral every day and add your normal foods (nutrients) with it.Multivitamins are best taken after breakfast or lastes after lunch at night it might cause insomnia and nervousness.
- Vitamins A,D,E are best absorbed when taken with fats, as they are liposoluble.
-B vitamins are best take with foods that contain biotin, folic acid, minerals like zinc and magnesium, they get better absorbed (you can get all those minerals from raw veggies, best the green veggies).
Vit.C is best taken after eating as its absortion is accentuated by chlohidric acid from the stomach.This vitamins aids the absortion of Iron, Zinc and Manganese.
-Minerals are best taken with foods rich in proteins, Selenium is the only one that´s best absorbed with an empty stomach and best when combined with Vit.E.
-Minerals like Zinc, Magnesium and Calcium are best taken at night, one of the reasons, helping to relax the body and sleep better.
- Vit. B6 also has a relaxing effect so it may be taken at night.
-Minerals like Calcium and Magnesium when combined with Vit. D have a great absortion effect on all three suplements.

I know this is a lot of information to take in at once but believe me once you have read it a few times you will get it!
Basically I am just letting you know to have a multivitamin that is well balanced, make sure you buy it in trustworthy shops, herbal shops if possible and eat as healthy as you can increasing your "vegetarian diet" and decreasing your animal protein intake, this will help your body to clean it better and concentrate more on your inmune system with the cold winter that´s coming!!

To give you a tip on a nice healthy way to start is this great bright orange soup..remember, colors in our veggies have a,orange and yellow means anticancer, antioxidant nutrients are in it!!!

-1 large red pepper
-3 carrots
-1/2 onion
-2 cloves garlic
-Extra virgin Olive oil
- 4 cups mineral water
-Fresh herbs to serve ( Oregano, Thyme)
-Sea salt
In a pan with olive oil on a medium heat add the onion previously chopped and then the garlic, until transparent, then add the carrots also chopped, stir for a few minutes and then add the pepper, in small pieces.Stir for a while and then add mineral water until covering the veggies, cook for about 25 minutes, put into a blender until smooth cream.
Serve in nice bowls, add some drops of nice extra virgin olive oil and add some fresh herbs to give it a great flavor and look!

domingo, 4 de noviembre de 2012


For a long time now I don´t drink cows milk....lactose intolerance is a very common thing among us humans...and it´s normal if you think that COW´S milk is actually made for their babies to grow strong and fast in a short period of time as they have to be able to run from possible predators linving outdoors....when they say "cow´s milk makes your children grow strong and fast"...well,it´s true..but not neceserally healthy as humans are not meant to grow like this....these children have a lot of joint issues, intestinal problems aswell as respiratory problems the older they get....vegan milk....or better said non dairy milk is better and healthier and causes no health problems unless you are allergic to nuts like almonds...this milk I made is from almonds....which is absolutly delicious!!

Llevo ya bastante tiempo sin beber leche de vaca...intolerancia a la lactosa es un problema muy común entre nosotros los humanos...y es normal pues si piensas que la leche DE VACA está hecha para que crezca un ternero fuerte y con rapidez para poder estar en pie y correr en caso de posibles depredadores en libertad...cuando dicen "la leche de vaca hará que tus hijos crezcan fuertes rápidamente"..esto será verdad pero no necesariamente sano pues los humanos no estamos hechos para crecer de esta forma...estos niños suelen tener problemas articulares, de intestinos y problemas respiratorios con la edad leche vegana..o mejor dicho la leche no animal es mejor y más sana sin causar alteraciones alérgicas a no ser que seas alérgico a las semillas como las almendras...esta leche está hecha de almendras...que está absolutamente deliciosa!!

All you need to makes this milk is:

-200g raw almonds
-1 big cup mineral water
Soak almonds in water for about 24h or a bit more if you wish.
Blend in blender and separate paste from liquid....with the remaining paste you can make "cheese"....will give soon good recipes for that one!!
Keep milk in glass bottle in fridge.

Para hacer esta leche sólo necesitas:

-200g de almendras crudas
-Una taza grande de agua mineral
Remojar las almendras en agua durante 24h o algo más si quieres.
Pasar por el mixer y separar la pasta del líquido...con la pasta restante se puede hacer "queso"..daré varias recetas en breve!
Guarda la leche en la nevera en un bote de cristal.

jueves, 25 de octubre de 2012


We had our first rain yesterday..if you live in Northern Europe you probably will be thinking "lucly you"...but the truth is we lack water...this summer has been terrible, if you have been watching the news you will remember the terrible fire we had here around June...I wasn´t here, I was in Provence at my cousin´s wedding but saw it on tv and on facebook....I felt so impotent thinking about those poor animals and trees that were literally being burned alive..can you imagine???One person died aswell, let me tell happy you have rain.....I am not saying I don´t enjoy the sun...not that I sunbath a lot with my white skin but I love the light and clarity..great for taking pics BTW!
So, yes..rain yesterday was neeze and I went for a walk and got all felt great..people were looking like we were crazy as we were enjoying the rain falling upon us....we then went home and ate this amazing "chinese style" rice noodle bowl that I  prepared before going on our "wet adventure"....nice warm bowl of noodles, crunchy veggies and shrimp...ñam...It felt great!

Tuvimos nuestras primeras lluvias vives en el Norte de Europa probablemente estés pensando "qué suerte"..pero la verdad es que nos hace falta agua..este verano fue terrible, si has estado viendo las noticias te acordarás del terrible incendio que hubo en Junio..yo no estaba aquí, estaba en la Provenza en la boda de mi prima pero lo vi por la tele y por sentí tan impotente  pensando en esos pobres animales y árboles que se estaban literalmente quemando vivos, te lo puedes imaginar??? También murió una persona..asi que, déjame que te diga lo feliz que debes de estar por tener lluvia...con ello no quiero decir que no disfruto del sol, no para tomarlo yo con  mi piel tan blanca pero me encanta la claridad y la luz ..estupenda para hacer fotos por cierto!
Asi que sí, ayer la lluvia fue estupenda..mi sobrina y yo nos fuimos a dar un paseo y nos empapamos..sentó de maravilla, la gente nos miraba como si estuviéramos locas ya que estábamos bajo la lluvia disfrutando de cómo nos caía encima,,nos fuimos después a casa y disfrutamos de este magnífico bol de pasta de arroz estilo "chino" que preparé justo antes de iros a nuestra "aventura pasada por agua"..estupendo bol caliente de pasta de arroz con verduritas crujientes y langostinos...ñam..sentó genial!

I will very soon post the recipe as now must run, sorry!
xx Ele

En breve pondré la receta ya que ahora me tengo que ir pitando, lo siento!
xx Ele

Hi again...I have a little time to put down the recipe of this lovely chinese bowl I made a few days ago

-200 g rice noodles (at chinese shop or some supermarkets)
-1/2 white onion
-1 big zucchini, cut in slices
-2 carrots, cut in slices
-Bunch of soja sprouts (home grown if possible!)
-4 Bolletus mushrooms,cut in halves
-tiny bit of ginger
-Oyster sauce, 3 tbs
-Soja sauce, 3 tbs
-4 large shrimp,raw
-5 spice mix ( home made: cinnamon,curcumin, cumin,curry, chilli powder,1 tbs of each)
-Some sesame seeds
-pinch of salt
-3 tbs honey,organic

In a pan with extra virgin olive oil, add onions until transparent, add carrots,zucchini and sprouts, stir all together for few minutes and then add mushrooms,stir again and add salt, soja sauce and oyster sauce,stir a bit more and take away from heat.
Mix in one bowl the 5 spice and sesame seeds, add one by one the shrimp,after it has been covered with some honey,until copleetly covered with spice mix.
In another pan heat it with some olive oil and add shrimp until changing color.
In a a large deep pan with boiling water add the noodles until tender, about 5 minutes (really quick!).
To serve: add first the cooked noodles, then your veggies and at the end the and enjoy!!!!


-200g de pasta de arroz
- 1/2 cebolla blanca
-1 calabacín grande, en tiras
- 2 zanahorias, en tiras
- Un manojo de brotes de soja (crecidos en casa a ser posible)
- 4 setas tipo Bolletus, cortados por la mitad
- un poco de jengibre, un trocito
- Salsa de ostras, 3 cucharas soperas
- Salsa de soja, 3 cucharadas soperas
- 4 langostinos crudos
- Mix de 5 especias (Hechas en casa, canela,comino,cúrcuma,curry y pimentón dulce, 1 cucharada de cada)
- Un manojo de semillas de sésamo (ajonjolí)
- Un poco de sal
- 3  cuharadas de miel ecológica

En una sarté con aceite sofríe la cebollas y jengibre, despues hechas las verduras y las setas, dejar coinar unos minutos y echar las salsas, de soja y de ostra, dejar cocinar un poco más y retirar del fuego.
En una olla con agua hirviendo echar la pasta de arroz y dejar hasta que estén tiernas, unos 5 minutos.
En un platito echar las especias y las semillas y pasar los langostinos perviamente mojados en miel, en las especias hasta que queden cubiertas y en una sartén con aceite de oliva pasarlas hasta que cambien de color.
Para servir, en unos bols, echar primero la pasta, después la mezcla de verduritas y por último los langostinos. Comer y disfrutar!!

domingo, 21 de octubre de 2012


I love dipping my raw veggies in some kind of smooth sauce ...guacamole...hummus...eggplant paté.....this time I had a lot of chickpeas at home and some leftover black beans in the fridge so I thought that it would be a good idea to mix them together and see what happends....
The truth is that the combination is absolutly delicious!

Me encanta tomar mis verduras crudas en algún tipo de salsa cremosa..guacamole...hummus...paté de berenjena...esta vez tenía muchos garbanzos en casa y unas alubias que sobraron en la nevera asi que pensé en mezclarlo todo junto a ver qué pasa...
La verdad es que la combinación es absolutamente deliciosa!


-Precooked chickpeas, about two cups
-1 cup precooked black beans
-Juice of two lemons
-2 tbs cumin, powder
-1 clove garlic
- Bunch of fresh mint leaves
-2 tbs extra virgin olive oil
- Sea salt

Bring all ingredients into blender, add a bit of mineral water of leftover water from the cooked chickpeas if the paste is too thick. Add salt to taste and serve with raw veggies or gluten free bread.


- 2 tazas de garbanzos cocidos
- 1 taza de alubias negras cocidas
- El zumo de dos limones
- 2 cucharadas de comino en polvo
- 1 diente de ajo
- Manojo de hierbabuena
- 2 cucharadas de aceite de oliva extra virgen
- Sal marina

Añade todos los ingredientes en el mixer, añade un poco de agia mineral o el agua que ha sobrado de la cocción de los garbanzos si te queda la masa muy espesa. Añade sal a gusto y sirve con vegetales crudos o pan.
A disfrutar!