(picture: chickpeas in curry sauce)
Bad side effects:
I have never been a great believer of extremes..I always take the good and the bad of everything and this goes aswell for foods....nothing is black or white so therefor I always make sure I let you know not only if something is entirely good for you or if you should be carefull...
In the case of curry powder (which is a mixture of diffrent spices) it has many benefitial effects but must taken into consideration in some conditions, for example, one of the properties that curcumin (found in turmeric, one of the spices in curry powder) is that it is a natural anticoagulant, meaning it is a natural blood thinner, so if you are taking already medications to make your blood thinner do not take too much curry powder as it might cause bleeding, this is also important to know before going into surgery where cutting into the skin and organs can cause bleeding. The other effect one must be aware about is that it may irritate the gallblader, in one way this could be good as it causes the gallblader to contract and therefor digestive enzimes get released into the intestinal tract and might aid in a good digestion but this is not the case when you have gallblader stones, a contraction of the gallblader induced by the intake of curry powder can actually be very painfull causing what we call colics...if you ever had this you know exactly what I am refering too....not pleasent at all.....
Good side effects:
Among the good properties of curry powder we have the fact that curcumin seems to fight cancer, the effect is based on the interference of curcumin in multiple cel signaling pathways that affect the life cycle of cancer cells. As a result , curcumin can fight off the onset and spread of cancer in the body.
The types of cancer where it does "the job" are lung cancer, breast cancer, skin cancer, lymphoma and leukemia.
Another property is the antiinflamatory effect of curcumin, , this may be due to it´s interaction with chemical messengers known as eicosanoids, which control the inflamatory response in the body, this is specially so in degenerative diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and fibromialgia.
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